

  1. Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2022 (with S.S.F Regilme Jr, eds).
  2. Governing Food Security: Law, Politics and the Right to Food. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pub., 2010 (with O. Hospes, eds).
  3. Hazard or Right? The Dialectics of Development Practice and the Internationally Declared Right to Development, with Special Reference to Indonesia. School of Human Rights Research Series, Vol. 31, Antwerp: Intersentia, 2009.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  1. ‘Systematic fraud: Tempo coverage of Indonesia’s presidential election 2024’. Asia Politics and Policy Vol. 16 (2); 298-305.
  2. ‘Rights and Emancipatory Rights’. In S.S.F. Regilme Jr. & I. Hadiprayitno (eds). Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2022
  3. ‘Consensus and Human Rights Politics: The Case of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights’. In S.S.F. Regilme Jr. &  I. Hadiprayitno (eds). Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2022 (with D. Prapto Rahardja)
  4. ‘Trade Justice, Human Rights and the case of Palm Oil’. In  Elena V. Shabliy et al. (eds) Energy Justice: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Switzerland: Palgrave, 2022 157-171 (with S. Bagatur)
  5. ‘Legal complexity and state obligations to the right to food: Towards an analytical shift of progressive realisation‘, International Journal of Legal Discourse. Vol. 5(1), 2020: 17-34.
  6. ‘Deadlock and Denial: Domestic Challenges and the Institutionalization Human Rights in ASEAN’. Global Jurist. Vol. 19(1), 2019: 1-15
  7. ‘The Limit of Narratives: Ethnicity and Indigenous Rights in Papua, Indonesia’International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. Vol. 24(1), 2017: 1-23.
  8. ‘Development in Law and Practice: Two Autonomous Domains?’. Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law. Vol. 4(3), 2017: 561-596
  9. ‘Development Hazard: A Violation Based Approach to the Right to Development’. The Chinese Journal of Good Governance. Vol. 3(1), 2017: 27-56.
  10. ‘Who Owns the Right to Food? Interlegality and competing interests in agricultural modernisation in Papua, Indonesia’Third World Quarterly. Vol. 38(1), 2017: 97-116.
  11. ‘Transnational Legal Processes of the Right to Food: Lesson Learned from Papua, Indonesia‘. In A. Kennedy and J. Liljeblad (eds). Food System Governance: Challenges for Justice, Equality and Human Rights. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016: 88-105.
  12. ‘Behind Transformation: The Right to Food, Agricultural Modernisation and Indigenous Peoples in Papua, Indonesia’Human Rights Review. Vol. 16(2), 2015: 123-141.
  13. ‘The Institutionalisation of Human Rights in ASEAN’. In. I. Lintel et al (eds). Defending Human Rights: Tools for Social Justice. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012: 49-68.
  14. ‘From Acceptable Hazard to Violation of Right: Upstream Human Rights Activism in the Sidoardjo Hot Mud Case’. In I. Boerefijn et al (eds). Human Rights and Conflict. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012: 179-197.
  15. ‘Challenges Facing the Use of Human Rights to Address Negative Impacts of Development: the Case of Indonesia’The Law and Development Review. Vol. 4(1), 2011: 247-268.
  16. ‘Declared not Acquired: Claiming Hunger as a Violation to the Right to Food, with a case study from Indonesia’. In O. Hospes and I. Hadiprayitno (eds) Governing Food Security: Law, Politics and the Right to Food. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pub., 2010: 139-160.
  17. ‘Defensive Enforcement: Human Rights in Indonesia’Human Rights Review. Vol. 11(3), 2010: 373-399.
  18. ‘Food Security and Human Rights in Indonesia’Development in Practice. Vol. 20(1), 2010: 122-130.
  19. ‘Terrorism and the Role of the United Nations’Global Jurnal Politik Internasional, Vol. 5(2), 2003: 49-59 (written in Indonesian).
  20. ‘Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: A Case Study of State Violence in Aceh’Analisis CSIS, Vol. 31, 2002: 363-374 (written in Indonesian).

Encyclopedia and General Reference Entries

  1. ‘Food Security’. In P.B. Thomson and D.M Kaplan (eds). Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, 2014: 147.
  2. ‘Poverty’. In UN-OHCHR. Realizing the Right to Development. Geneva: UN-OHCHR Pub. , 2013: 137-148.
  3. ‘The Right to Food’. In F. C. Dutilleul and J. Bugnicourt (eds), Legal Dictionary of Food Security in the World. Luxemburg: Larcier, 2013 (with B. Wernaart).

Book Reviews

  1. Diplomatie en geweld: de internationale context van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945–1949‘. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. Vol. 180(1): 111-114
  2. Paper tiger: law, bureaucracy, and the developmental state in Himalayan India, by Nayanika Mathur‘. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. 49(1), 2017: 85-87.
  3. Transnational Legal Processes and Human Rights by Kyriaki Topidi & Lauren Fielder (eds)’. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol. 48(1), 2016: 153-156.
  4. ‘Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity: The Nagari from Colonisation to Decentralisation by Franz Benda Beckmann and Keebet Benda Beckmann’Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol. 46(2), 2014: 282-285.
  5. ‘Challenges of Development: Asian Perspectives, by F. Bestango and L. Rubini (eds)’Asian Journal of International Law. Vol 3 (3), 2013: 198-200.
  6. ‘Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War Torn Societies, by D. Isser’Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol 43 (2), 2012: pp. 203-204.

Popular Essays

  1. ‘Disappointments of the Governed’, The Jakarta Post, 5 August 2014.
  2. Beyond Eradicating Hunger’, The Jakarta Post, 15 September 2009.
  3. ‘Using Human Rights to Combat Palm Oil’s Hazards’The Jakarta Post, 25 May 2008.