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- Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2022 (with S.S.F Regilme Jr, eds).
- Governing Food Security: Law, Politics and the Right to Food. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pub., 2010 (with O. Hospes, eds).
- Hazard or Right? The Dialectics of Development Practice and the Internationally Declared Right to Development, with Special Reference to Indonesia. School of Human Rights Research Series, Vol. 31, Antwerp: Intersentia, 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- ‘Systematic fraud: Tempo coverage of Indonesia’s presidential election 2024’. Asia Politics and Policy Vol. 16 (2); 298-305.
- ‘Rights and Emancipatory Rights’. In S.S.F. Regilme Jr. & I. Hadiprayitno (eds). Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2022
- ‘Consensus and Human Rights Politics: The Case of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights’. In S.S.F. Regilme Jr. & I. Hadiprayitno (eds). Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity. New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2022 (with D. Prapto Rahardja)
- ‘Trade Justice, Human Rights and the case of Palm Oil’. In Elena V. Shabliy et al. (eds) Energy Justice: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Switzerland: Palgrave, 2022 157-171 (with S. Bagatur)
- ‘Legal complexity and state obligations to the right to food: Towards an analytical shift of progressive realisation‘, International Journal of Legal Discourse. Vol. 5(1), 2020: 17-34.
- ‘Deadlock and Denial: Domestic Challenges and the Institutionalization Human Rights in ASEAN’. Global Jurist. Vol. 19(1), 2019: 1-15
- ‘The Limit of Narratives: Ethnicity and Indigenous Rights in Papua, Indonesia’. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. Vol. 24(1), 2017: 1-23.
- ‘Development in Law and Practice: Two Autonomous Domains?’. Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law. Vol. 4(3), 2017: 561-596
- ‘Development Hazard: A Violation Based Approach to the Right to Development’. The Chinese Journal of Good Governance. Vol. 3(1), 2017: 27-56.
- ‘Who Owns the Right to Food? Interlegality and competing interests in agricultural modernisation in Papua, Indonesia’. Third World Quarterly. Vol. 38(1), 2017: 97-116.
- ‘Transnational Legal Processes of the Right to Food: Lesson Learned from Papua, Indonesia‘. In A. Kennedy and J. Liljeblad (eds). Food System Governance: Challenges for Justice, Equality and Human Rights. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016: 88-105.
- ‘Behind Transformation: The Right to Food, Agricultural Modernisation and Indigenous Peoples in Papua, Indonesia’. Human Rights Review. Vol. 16(2), 2015: 123-141.
- ‘The Institutionalisation of Human Rights in ASEAN’. In. I. Lintel et al (eds). Defending Human Rights: Tools for Social Justice. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012: 49-68.
- ‘From Acceptable Hazard to Violation of Right: Upstream Human Rights Activism in the Sidoardjo Hot Mud Case’. In I. Boerefijn et al (eds). Human Rights and Conflict. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012: 179-197.
- ‘Challenges Facing the Use of Human Rights to Address Negative Impacts of Development: the Case of Indonesia’. The Law and Development Review. Vol. 4(1), 2011: 247-268.
- ‘Declared not Acquired: Claiming Hunger as a Violation to the Right to Food, with a case study from Indonesia’. In O. Hospes and I. Hadiprayitno (eds) Governing Food Security: Law, Politics and the Right to Food. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pub., 2010: 139-160.
- ‘Defensive Enforcement: Human Rights in Indonesia’, Human Rights Review. Vol. 11(3), 2010: 373-399.
- ‘Food Security and Human Rights in Indonesia’, Development in Practice. Vol. 20(1), 2010: 122-130.
- ‘Terrorism and the Role of the United Nations’, Global Jurnal Politik Internasional, Vol. 5(2), 2003: 49-59 (written in Indonesian).
- ‘Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: A Case Study of State Violence in Aceh’, Analisis CSIS, Vol. 31, 2002: 363-374 (written in Indonesian).
Encyclopedia and General Reference Entries
- ‘Food Security’. In P.B. Thomson and D.M Kaplan (eds). Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, 2014: 147.
- ‘Poverty’. In UN-OHCHR. Realizing the Right to Development. Geneva: UN-OHCHR Pub. , 2013: 137-148.
- ‘The Right to Food’. In F. C. Dutilleul and J. Bugnicourt (eds), Legal Dictionary of Food Security in the World. Luxemburg: Larcier, 2013 (with B. Wernaart).
Book Reviews
- ‘Diplomatie en geweld: de internationale context van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945–1949‘. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. Vol. 180(1): 111-114
- ‘Paper tiger: law, bureaucracy, and the developmental state in Himalayan India, by Nayanika Mathur‘. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. 49(1), 2017: 85-87.
- ‘Transnational Legal Processes and Human Rights by Kyriaki Topidi & Lauren Fielder (eds)’. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol. 48(1), 2016: 153-156.
- ‘Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity: The Nagari from Colonisation to Decentralisation by Franz Benda Beckmann and Keebet Benda Beckmann’. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol. 46(2), 2014: 282-285.
- ‘Challenges of Development: Asian Perspectives, by F. Bestango and L. Rubini (eds)’. Asian Journal of International Law. Vol 3 (3), 2013: 198-200.
- ‘Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War Torn Societies, by D. Isser’. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Vol 43 (2), 2012: pp. 203-204.
Popular Essays
- ‘Disappointments of the Governed’, The Jakarta Post, 5 August 2014.
- ‘Beyond Eradicating Hunger’, The Jakarta Post, 15 September 2009.
- ‘Using Human Rights to Combat Palm Oil’s Hazards’, The Jakarta Post, 25 May 2008.