I am a human rights scholar and political scientist, currently work as University Lecturer in International Studies and Southeast Asian Studies at the Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University in the Netherlands. Previously, I worked as a postdoc and lecturer at the Law and Governance Group, Wageningen University and was a visiting research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Edinburgh. Originally hail from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I hold a BA in International Relations (University of Indonesia), an LLM in International Human Rights Law (Utrecht University), and a PhD in Human Rights (Utrecht University).
My academic work focuses on the dialectical interplay between global and local human rights at the levels of norms, discourses, and practices, specifically in relation to market liberalisation and to democratisation. More generally, my research interests include legal pluralism, political agency and socio-economic equality. The books, Hazard or Right? The Dialectics between Internationally Declared Right to Development and Development Practices (2009) and Governing Food Security: Law, Politics and The Right to Food (with Otto Hospes, eds)(2010), are two of my major publications.
Professionally, I have done numerous consultancy assignments, e.g. proposal preparations and assessments, project evaluations, legal translations, policy research, and human rights trainings, commissioned by, among others, the European Commission, and the International Labour Organization, in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Ghana, and Pakistan. I am also a co-editor (with Chiseche Mibenge) of the Palgrave MacMillan’s book series on Human Rights Interventions.